Plainville Community Schools’ annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner and Awards Program was held on May 10th, at Plainville High School. This year's theme was “Country Hoedown.” More than 100 school volunteers, Board of Education members, administrators and staff were present to enjoy an evening of food, friends, and recognition. The event provided an opportunity to thank Plainville’s school volunteers for their time and commitment that they make to students across the district. Volunteers share their time and talent in many capacities including mentoring, tutoring, serving as classroom helpers and reading partners, in parent-teacher organizations, as athletic backers, and more.
The program featured guest speaker, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Maureen Brummett. Plainville High School Italian teacher Maria Colangelo “emceed” the event sharing “western themed trivia” throughout the night. Guests enjoyed a photo booth manned by Plainville High School students and faculty member Eric Bosley, and volunteers won door prizes donated from area businesses which were raffled off throughout the evening.
Volunteer award winners were also recognized during the program. The 2017-2018 Mentor of the Year Award recipient was Charles Floyd, who mentors a student at the Middle School of Plainville. Floyd has been a mentor in the school district for eight years, currently mentoring sixth grader Carlos Rodriguez. Floyd was nominated by a group of staff members at the Middle School. Denise Grodzicki noted, “Charles never misses a visit, he comes with engaging activities to do like building robots and he is extremely kind, patient and a very good listener. We are very fortunate to know Charles and have him as a mentor in our district.”
Dave and Barbara Barry, with 47 years of combined volunteer service to Plainville schools, were the recipients of the 2017-2018 Volunteer of the Year Award. Dave joined the mentor program as an employee at General Electric 27 years ago and has mentored at Wheeler School and the Middle School, currently serving as a mentor at Plainville High School. Dave is also a volunteer Reading Partner at Linden Street School, along with his wife Barb who has served as a Reading Partner at Linden for 20 years. Plainville High School staff members Jeri Lynn Turkowitz and Lynn Davis, who nominated the Barrys for the award, shared a poem about their years of service during the award presentation.
At the close of the program, Volunteer Coordinator Sue Bradley presented volunteers with pins for years of service. Multiple volunteers were recognized for their 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20+ years of service.
“Our volunteer programs in Plainville under the leadership of Sue Bradley allow us to support our students in many ways. Charles Floyd and Dave and Barbara Barry are so deserving of this recognition for all they have done to enrich the lives of so many of our students. Plainville Community Schools is immensely grateful for their volunteerism,” noted Superintendent Brummett.