
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Tawana Graham-Douglas
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
[email protected]

El, Equity and Student Support

Lily Cornielle
EL, Equity and Student Support Specialist
[email protected]

Goal: Develop a student centered curriculum with an emphasis on the mastery of power standards and essential skills that ensure students are college and career ready upon graduation.

"never stop learning" header image

Plainville Community School administrators and faculty are committed to support curriculum documents that are in alignment with the Common Core standards and subject specific state and national standards. Curriculum that aligns to standards ensure that all students will be college and career ready upon high school graduation.

We all know that quality curriculum is an essential component for improving student achievement at grade level as well as in standardized testing. Therefore, creating and maintaining quality curriculum is an ongoing process due to ever changing student needs, available instructional materials, and changes in student expectations. What students need to know and be able to do changes with the times, state and federal achievement requirements, technological advancements, required skills for varied higher education, employment and military opportunities. Moreover, curricular needs are in constant transition so that it accommodates to our ever changing world.

In this curriculum page you will find curriculum documents in the form of pacing guides. The pacing guides provide a unit theme, approximate duration time, content, learning targets in the form, of “I Can” statements, target vocabulary, instructional activities, assessments or demonstration of learning, and any additional information pertinent to the unit. These pacing guides are a guide and are in constant flux for the purpose of accommodating the times, and our learners. Teachers use Google Docs to update the pacing guides so what you see is the latest version of the document.

It is the hope of the curriculum office that you find these documents informative and helpful as we guide your student through his/her educational experience in Plainville Community schools. As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email.

Thank you for your continued support.

Tawana Graham-Douglas
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

**Check back soon for updates to our Curriculum page**