Plainville High School hosted the 4th annual "Go Baby Go" event December 7th & 8th, during which toy ride-on cars for children with special needs were modified, refurbished, and presented to local families. The Go Baby Go program was originally founded by the University of Delaware, and has been held at Central Connecticut State University. The two day workshop hosted at Plainville High School included Central Connecticut State University students working together with Plainville High School and Middle School of Plainville students, under the direction of the Technology Education faculty from all three schools and Rosie Flammang a physical therapist from the Connecticut Children's Medical Center, to adapt the toy cars for local special needs children. The children were fitted for the cars during the second day of the workshop in the STEM Lab at Plainville High School.The Go Baby Go event was funded in part by donations from Jacob's Journey, Plainville High School, the Toffolon School Student Council, Linden Street School, and the Middle School of Plainville's Student Council.