District programming received additional financial support thanks to two grants from the Plainville Community Fund at the Main Street Community Foundation.
The Plainville Community Fund at the Main Street Community Foundation recently awarded Plainville Adult and Continuing Education with a $1,000 grant to support a Satellite Instructional Service (SIS) at the Plainville Public Library. A certified Instructor, trained to teach English as a Second Language, GED ® Preparation, Adult Basic Education, and Citizenship Preparation, will be onsite at the Plainville Public Library, to offer instructional assistance by appointment to adult education students.
Jill O’Brien, Coordinator of Plainville Adult and Continuing Education commented, “We are grateful to the Plainville Community Fund Committee for enabling the launch of the SIS program. Often students face familial, transportation, or job scheduling challenges that present a barrier to consistent attendance at their regularly scheduled adult education programming. This flexible option will offer an immediate solution, expanding programming access with a variety of weekend and morning hours at the Plainville Public Library.”
Additionally, Plainville High School is the recipient of a $1,000 grant from the Plainville Community Fund at the Main Street Community Foundation. As part of a Music Career Independent Study course, senior Zoe Weimer applied for and received a $1,000 grant for an interactive digital display. The display will primarily be used in the Plainville High School band room for rehearsals, classes, and visiting guests, and with its portability, will be an asset to the entire high school community. Most recently, the display was used at the Spring Band and Choir Concert to display the program for the evening as guests entered the building. The Plainville High School Music Department is excited to have access to this new technology which will enhance student learning through engaging multimedia content and presentations.
“We are very grateful to the Plainville Community Fund for supporting this project via their grant, and especially grateful to the donors who took the time to work with us and advocate for this project,” said Weimer.
“This technology will be a great asset to enhance our teaching and learning in the Music Department,” shared Plainville High School Music Instructor, Todd Helming.
“We are very fortunate to have innovative students like Zoe and community partners like the Plainville Community Fund,” said Superintendent of Schools, Brian Reas.