The Middle School of Plainville's Health Teachers, Melanie Olmstead and Melissa Patterson, in collaboration with K.I.M. (Kids in the Middle) program participants, organized the “Chase The Chill” clothing drive once again this year. The group collected new and gently used winter scarves, gloves, hats, mittens and coats through January 24th, and then distributed the items in local places for those who are homeless or seeking additional warmth. With the support of the Plainville Senior Center’s “Dial-A-Ride" bus and driver Ed Maskowsky, K.I.M. program student members, together with facilitators Dayna Snell and Ashley Buccelli, spread the items throughout local parks, bus stops, benches and the public library, with an attached note inviting individuals to take the items for their own use. Chase the Chill is practiced throughout the United States in support of homeless and displaced families.