Section Policy Number Policy Name
(6000) Instruction 6114.1 REG REGULATION - Fire Emergency
(6000) Instruction 6145.3 REG REGULATION - Student Publications
(6000) Instruction 6145.6 REG REGULATION - Honor Society
(6000) Instruction 6145.7 REG REGULATION - Student Activities
(6000) Instruction 6145.8 REG REGULATION - Activity Funds Management
(6000) Instruction 6161 REG REGULATION - Removal of Instructional Materials from the Classroom
(6000) Instruction 6161.1 REG REGULATION - Evaluation of Instructional Materials
(6000) Instruction 6000 REG REGULATION - Concept and Roles in Instruction
(6000) Instruction 6010 Concept and Roles in Instruction-Mission, Beliefs and Goals
(6000) Instruction 6111 School Calendar
(6000) Instruction 6112 School Day
(6000) Instruction 6114 Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness
(6000) Instruction 6115 Period of Silent Meditation
(6000) Instruction 6121 Nondiscrimination: Instructional Program
(6000) Instruction 6122 Protection of Instructional Time
(6000) Instruction 6122 REG REGULATION - Protection of Instructional Time
(6000) Instruction 6130 Parental Access to Instructional Material
(6000) Instruction 6140 Curriculum
(6000) Instruction 6140.1 Curricular Exemptions
(6000) Instruction 6140.11 Academic Freedom
(6000) Instruction 6141.21 REG REGULATION - Decorations
(6000) Instruction 6141.31 Bilingual-Bicultural Education
(6000) Instruction 6141.311 Limited English Proficiency Program
(6000) Instruction 6141.32 Computer Literacy
(6000) Instruction 6141.324 Posting of Student Work/Photographs
(6000) Instruction 6141.326 Online Social Networking
(6000) Instruction 6141.326 REG Online Social Networking
(6000) Instruction 6141.328 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Protocol for the Use of Technology in the Schools
(6000) Instruction 6141.5 Advanced College Placement
(6000) Instruction 6142.1 Family Life and Sex Education
(6000) Instruction 6142.10 Health Education Program
(6000) Instruction 6144 Controversial Issues
(6000) Instruction 6145 Extra-Class Activities
(6000) Instruction 6145.3 Publications
(6000) Instruction 6145.5 Organization/Associations
(6000) Instruction 6145.5 REG REGULATION - Guidelines for School Sponsored Activities and Organizations
(6000) Instruction 6145.71 REG REGULATION - Social Events/Meetings
(6000) Instruction 6146 Graduation Requirements
(6000) Instruction 6146.1 Grading System
(6000) Instruction 6146.2 Statewide Proficiency/Examinations
(6000) Instruction 6153 Study Trips and Community Service
(6000) Instruction 6153.1 Field Trips
(6000) Instruction 6153.1 REG REGULATION - Field Trips
(6000) Instruction 6154 Homework/Make-Up Work
(6000) Instruction 6156 Instructional Planning/Scheduling/Use of Computers in Instruction
(6000) Instruction 6161 Equipment, Books and Materials
(6000) Instruction 6161.2 Care of Instructional Materials
(6000) Instruction 6161.2 REG REGULATION - Care of Instructional Materials
(6000) Instruction 6161.3 Comparability of Services
(6000) Instruction 6161.7 Use of Proprietary Software Products
(6000) Instruction 6162.6 Use of Copyrighted Materials
(6000) Instruction 6162.6 REG Use of Copying Devices
(6000) Instruction 6162.7 REG Backup Copies of Copyrighted Computer Software
(6000) Instruction 6163.3 Live Animals in the Classroom
(6000) Instruction 6164 REG REGULATION - Individual Services and Diagnostic Counseling
(6000) Instruction 6164.11 Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol
(6000) Instruction 6164.12 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
(6000) Instruction 6164.2 School Counseling Services
(6000) Instruction 6164.2 REG School Counseling Services
(6000) Instruction 6164.211 REG REGULATION -Student Assistance Model
(6000) Instruction 6164.4 Identification of Special Needs and Abilities
(6000) Instruction  6171 Special Education
(6000) Instruction 6172 Alternative Education Programs
(6000) Instruction 6172.1 Identification of Gifted and Talented Students
(6000) Instruction 6172.5  Parent and Family Engagement Policy For Title I Students
(6000) Instruction  6172.7  Parent and Teacher Communication 
(6000) Instruction 6173 Physical Restraint and Seclusion
(6000) Instruction 6173 REG Physical Restraint and Seclusion
(6000) Instruction 6174 Summer School
(6000) Instruction 6176 Career and Vocational Education
(6000) Instruction 6180 Evaluation of the Instructional Program
(6000) Instruction 6181 Evaluation of Special Education Program
(6000) Instruction 6200 Adult/Continuing Education
(6000) Instruction  6201  Credit for Online Courses and Remote Learning
(6000) Instruction  6203  Challenging Curriculum