The Team Approach
Interdisciplinary teaming takes place in every school for children and youth with specialized learning needs by:
The Early Childhood Program of Plainville for 3 to 5 year olds
Pre-Referral Teams for K through Grade 5 students
Student Intervention Team for Middle School students
Student Assistance Model team for High School students
focus of all the assistance teams is strategies - development and
implementation - to enhance each referred student's school adjustment.
Referrals to the team are made by parents, teachers, administrators,
related services staff, and by community agencies assisting family
If it appears that a student's progress is a concern
after a team-generated series of intervention strategies has been tried,
a Planning and Placement team meeting may be scheduled. At the meeting,
the PPT explores the student's academic strengths and weaknesses and
determines the need for educational assessment. Once the evaluation
process is completed, the PPT team meets to share results and determine
if special education services are requried.
The main goal of each of our teams is to improve student success.