When to Stay Home from School. See below and contact your school nurse for return to school guidance.
Students should stay home from school and/or will be dismissed from school if they:
- Have a fever over 100.0
- Have a communicable illness, such as conjunctivitis (pink eye) or MRSA
- Seizure, head injury, severe headache, blurred vision or dizziness
- Severe symptoms of illness such as severe sore throat or congestion, persistent cough
- Severe asthmatic episode
- Chest pain or pressure
- Generalized allergic reaction
- Weeping or unusual rash
- Injury requiring sutures
- Fracture
- Soft tissue injury
- Dental injury
- 9-1-1 will be called in an emergency for immediate transportation to the hospital.
Students should remain home:
● For at least 24 hours after an elevated temperature returns to normal (under 100.0) without fever reducing medication
● For at least 24 hours after their first dose of antibiotic medication
● For at least 24 hours after vomiting/diarrhea has ended and cleared by School Nurse
● Until they are adequately treated for communicable disease and have a return to school clearance note from an MD, DO, APRN, PA and/or cleared by the School Nurse
Injuries: Students with injuries that result in the need for a cast, sling, or mobility aid such as crutches or a walker should please return to school
with a note from the doctor so the school can help accommodate the student. Special transportation is required for students with crutches,
wheelchairs and walkers. Please notify the School Nurse as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.