Plainville Community Schools

The Plainville Community Schools Safety Committee is committed to the protection of employees and property from accidental loss. Please read and adhere to the following safety protocols for Plainville Community Schools:

  • If you see any unsafe situation in your workplace, please notify a safety committee member – (listed below) - or the Facilities Department as appropriate.
  • If you fall or incur any other type of injury on school property, please file a report with your building administrator/supervisor immediately, regardless of severity, because it is imperative that we document all occurrences.
  • All initial treatment must be through the The Hospital of Central Connecticut, Occupational Health Facility, 440 New Britain Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062

Questions? Contact Stacy Buden (Human Resources), your building administrator, or any member of the Safety Committee

Safety Committee Members:

Sam Adlerstein – Central Office

Peter Bernier - Wheeler

Sheri Bolduc - Central Office

Sandy Bouchard – Facilities

Stacy Buden - Human Resources

Callyn Dalke - Facilities

Lynn Davis – Central Office / PHS

Richard Marques – Security

Jill O’Brien – Adult Education

William Ouellette - MSP

Chiara Ramos – Toffolon

Julie Simard - Health Services

Mike Smith -  Facilities