Section (3000) Business
Policy Name Tuition Fees
Policy Number 3240
Date Approved 10/10/1989
Date Revised 06/14/2004
Date Revised 06/13/2005
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Policy The Plainville Board of Education will permit students from other school districts to attend its schools when they can be accommodated in existing classes. Such accommodation shall be on an annual basis except when the accommodation is by agreement with another board of education that does not maintain a high school or has entered a cooperative arrangement with our board for the purpose of a school building project.

These students or their sending district shall pay a tuition fee. This fee shall be established annually by the board of education except when a multiple year agreement to provide educational facilities is entered into with another board of education.

Notice shall be given at least one year prior to the discontinuance of service for non-resident high school students except when the service is provided through a multiple year agreement with another board of education in which case service may not end prior to the expiration of the agreement unless the parties mutually agree to a shorter term.

High School seniors living out of town are allowed free tuition providing they have attended Plainville schools, grade seven through eleven and they have received permission from the superintendent to stay in the district for their final year.

(cf. 5111.1 - Residency)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-33 Tuition in towns in which no high school is maintained

10-35 Notice of discontinuance of high school service to nonresidents

10-220 Duties of Boards of Education