Section:5000 Students
Policy Name:REGULATION Illness
Policy Number:5141.2 REG
Date Approved:10/10/1989
Last Revised:3/8/2004

1. Health Services

Comprehensive school health services, including a qualified nurse, are available daily during school hours.

These services include:

A. Crisis intervention for sudden illness, injury, or emotional disturbances.

B. Health counseling for acute/chronic illness, nutrition, disease prevention,
positive life styles.

C. Assessment and referral of deficits found in vision, hearing, dental,
orthopedic, or growth.

D. Liaison services between home, school, and community.

E. Disbursement of prescribed medications, upon physician's orders and
parental consent.

School staff are encouraged to utilize the resources of the nurse. Staff are
encouraged to receive training in CPR, first aid and diabetic care.

2. Procedures For Health Office

A. Students complaining of illness or injury should be sent to the nurse's office with a pass and another student or staff person should accompany them to the office, as appropriate.

B. Students should have a pass from the classroom teacher when the student is in need of assistance. This pass must have the teacher's name, the time of day and the student's name.

C. When a student is dismissed from school because of illness, a health
dismissal is issued and reported to the office where it is recorded on the daily attendance sheet.

D. Health screenings including vision, scoliosis and hearing are done throughout the school year.

F. An individual daily log is kept by the nurse. This log may contain the
student's name, time of visit, and the grade/room number. If necessary, an
accident/incident report will be filled out. See attached form.

3. Transportation

A. Parents or their emergency designee are responsible to pick up ill children.

B. If parents are unavailable, and the nurse cannot reach anyone on the emergency list, the nurse shall:

a. Consult with principal or his/her designee, if necessary.

b. Contact police or other emergency transportation providers to
arrange transportation, if necessary, for health and safety of the child.
Also, if there is a bus accident, a school representative will go to the hospital until parents are notified.

c. Allow child to stay in health room, monitor, attempt to reach
parent/emergency numbers, send note home depending on severity of illness.

C. Obtain parental permission for dismissal.