The Plainville Board of Education is seeking nominations for the Memorial Wall of Honor, a permanent tribute to honor individuals who have contributed significant volunteer service to the educational community.
According to the school district policy regarding recognition of meritorious services to education through the Memorial Wall of Honor, individuals selected must meet the following criteria: 20 or more years of significant educational community service contributions, sustained the quality of life or had a positive impact on the lives of Plainville students, created opportunities for students through new facilities or programs, must be a Plainville resident during the time the nominee provided educational community service, has not been previously honored by other actions of the town, such as facilities named in their honor or memorial, candidate must be deceased, and was a positive role model and exemplified high moral character.
Requests to nominate an individual to be recognized on the Memorial Wall of Honor must be made in writing on an approved nomination form. The form is available on the Plainville Community Schools’ website, or via email by contacting Joan Calistro at: [email protected]. Completed applications must be submitted by December 31, 2022.
A Selection Committee will review the nominations and submit a recommendation to the Board of Education, who will provide final approval. No more than three applications per year will be selected for recognition. Nominations not selected for Board consideration will remain in the file for one year without resubmission. An induction ceremony for this year’s honorees will take place in the spring of 2023.
For additional information about the Memorial Wall of Honor, please contact the Superintendent’s Office at (860) 793-3210.