Section (6000) Instruction
Policy Name Online Social Networking
Policy Number 6141.326 REG
Date Approved 11/9/2015
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  

Online Social Networking

 The use of permitted social networking sites by students on District computers shall be in conformity with the following guidelines.

 1. The search for illegal, crude, crass and inappropriate things is not acceptable and should be avoided.

 2. The computers and accessing social networking sites should be used for research and school projects or to connect with other students in a positive manner.

 3. The social networking site shall not be used to harass other students.

 4. It is necessary to be mindful of copyright infringement, plagiarism and illegal downloading.

 5. Utilize teachers and administrators to determine if the site to be used is appropriate.

 6. Leave an inappropriate site immediately when accessing such a site in error.

 7. Do not visit a personal blog during the educational time period.

 8. Assignments involving the use of social networking tools on the Internet are like any other school assignment subject to the policies and procedures in the student handbook.

 9. Online social networking and the increasing use of Internet sites which contain personal information also increases the opportunity for unwelcome and unsolicited written material, pictures or videos. Harassment in any form, including electronically posted comments, is unacceptable.