n (6000) Instruction
Policy Name REGULATION - Honor Society
Policy Number 6145.6 REG
Date Approved 10/10/1989
Date Revised 10/27/2005
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  

1. Establishment
The establishment of honor societies shall be optional at the middle and senior high school levels. The building administrator's approval is necessary for the establishment of an honor society. The handbooks of the National Junior Honor Society, the National Honor Society or any other honor society are used as general procedural guides in establishing chapters of these organizations.

2. Eligibility
A. Eighth grade students are eligible for membership at the middle school level; eleventh and twelfth grade students are eligible at the senior high level.

 B. All students at eligible grade levels who achieve an overall average of B
(equivalent or not less than 3.0 on a 4.0 point scale) in courses taken for
credit shall be considered for membership.

3. Selection of Members
A. In computing the scholastic average, grades in all subjects including
special subjects such as physical education, art, music, technology education, business, marketing and family and consumer sciences shall be used. Grades that have been accepted from another accredited school are also included in computing the average.

B. Service to the school or community organizations and leadership qualities shall be considered in addition to scholarship in the selection of students for membership.

C. In computing standing for membership at particular grade levels, the
following shall apply for membership:
1. In the eighth grade, all seventh grade and first trimester
eighth grade marks shall be considered.
2. In the eleventh grade, the final ninth, tenth, and first semester
eleventh grade marks shall be considered.
3. In the fall semester of the twelfth grade, the final ninth, tenth, and
eleventh grade marks shall be considered.



Honor Society

3. Selection of Members (continued)

4. In the spring semester of the twelfth grade, the final ninth, tenth, 
and eleventh and the first semester twelfth grade marks shall be 

D. A representative faculty council appointed by the building administrator, and consisting of no fewer than five members, shall make the final selection of students for honor society membership. The administrator 
 hall determine the duration of council membership and the basis of representation among the faculty. In the selection process, faculty 
 members other than those on the council may be asked to evaluate for 
 membership any students whom they know well. A majority vote of the 
 faculty council shall determine a student's admission to an honor society.

4. Probation or Dismissal

Honor society members who are in jeopardy of losing their membership because of a serious deficiency in one or more of the membership criteria, may be placed on a probationary status or dismissed from membership after a full review by the faculty council. A majority vote of the faculty council shall determine a student's probationary status in, or dismissal from an honor society.