Full Extra Curricular/Co-Curricular Eligibility
1. Academically Eligible: To be eligible for fall sports, clubs, and activities, the student must have received credit towards graduation at the close of the previous school year in at least five (5) classes. In addition, the student must also be taking a minimum of five (5) classes during the season and meet the Grade Requirements criteria (see below). Winter and spring eligibility is based on the quarterly reports cards issued during the school year. Fall eligibility is based on the prior school year’s last quarterly report card issued in June. First time ninth grade students will automatically be eligible for the first quarter marking period. If these requirements are met a student will be able to participate with no restrictions. A student’s eligibility is determined on the report card distribution date which is located on the school calendar.
Transfer students eligibility will be determined based on their last complete marking period grades earned at their most recent placement.
Incomplete grades are not considered passing grades, though a student can become eligible once the ‘incomplete’ is changed to a grade.
Any questions concerning eligibility should be directed to the PHS Athletic Director and then the PHS Principal.
2. Grade Requirements: Each quarter the student must be taking and passing a minimum of five (5) classes during the season. Eligibility is determined by quarterly report cards only. For Fall co-curricular and extra-curricular Progress Reports will only be utilized to monitor students with probationary status only.
If a student received a grade of one (1) F or FS on their most recent quarterly report card, then they must have an overall average of 70% (all classes combined) or higher to be Academically Eligible (see definition above).
Students who receive one (1) F or FS on their most recent quarterly report card and have below a 70% overall average will be considered Eligible with Academic Probation (see definition below).
Students who fail two (2) classes F or FS for the quarter on their most recent quarterly report card the student will be considered Eligible with Academic Probation (see definition below).
If a student fails more than two (2) classes (F or FS) on their most recent quarterly report card, that student will be considered Academically Ineligible (see definition below) until the next quarterly report card is issued.
3. Eligible with Academic Probation: Academic probation means the student can practice and or tryout for a team or club but is not allowed to participate in any interscholastic contests. If a student is placed on academic probation the player is deemed eligible with the condition of probation, which carries additional requirements and restrictions. Club advisors will enact restrictions pertaining to their individual club or activity. The student will be on academic probation until progress reports or the next quarter report cards are issued (whichever is first). If the student is on academic probation, the student must have zero (0) failing grades on the next progress report or quarterly report card to be removed from academic probation. If a student is deemed academically ineligible they will not be allowed to participate in any team activities.
This also applies for clubs and related activities. The advisors for these clubs and activities along with administration will determine which events students can participate in. During the academic probation period students should meet with teachers after school to create a plan to improve their academic standing.
Examples of ways for students to improve their academic standing:
Attend Homework club in the Learning Commons after school.
Meet with teachers after school to go over academic standing.
Set aside time at night for homework and studying without interruption.
Head coaches and the Athletic Director will be monitoring students’ academic progress. Coaches and advisors will communicate with teachers to assist in the educational progress of any student who is on academic probation. If the next progress report or quarterly report card is issued and there is still a failing grade in any course, the student will then be removed from academic probation status and will not be allowed to participate in any team activities. If this occurs, the Club Advisor or the Athletic Director/ Head Coach will meet with the student and also contact the parents of the student.
4. Academically Ineligible: Students who receive three (3) or more F or FS on their quarterly report cards will deemed Ineligible for the next quarterly marking period. They can become eligible at the time of the next quarterly report card is issued if they meet the conditions outlined above.
5. Summer School Eligibility: A student’s academic eligibility for the fall season is based on quarter four grade from the previous school year. If a student does not receive a passing grade for a course during quarter four (4), the student will be allowed to retake the course in Plainville High School's Summer School Program. A passing grade will then be recorded as "P" on the student's transcript and credit will be awarded. The grade will not be calculated into the weighted GPA. Students are only allowed to take up to one credit in Plainville High School Summer School for the purpose of academic eligibility. All recovery credit must be approved by an administrator prior to beginning of the course.
Quick Reference Guide
1.Does your current schedule include at least five (5) credits for the year and at least five (5) graded courses in this report card period?
YES: Go to Question #2
NO: You are ineligible
2.In the most recent quarter marking period. Did you earn passing grades in at least five (5) or more of your courses with no F’s or FS’s?
YES: You are eligible.
NO: Go to Question #3
3.Did you receive only one (1) F or FS and your overall average of 70% or higher?
YES: You are eligible.
NO: Go to question 4.
4.Did you receive two (2) F/FS?
Did you receive one F/FS but your overallaverage was below a 70%?
YES: You are on academic probation.
5.Did you receive more than two F/FS grades on the marking period report card?
You are ineligible to participate until after the next marking period in which you meet the criteria for eligibility described above.
CIAC states a student athlete is also not eligible if:
1. If you are nineteen (19) years of age before July 1. (Rule II.B.).
2. If you have changed schools without a change of legal residence (Rule II.C.). See complete Rule for exceptions.
3. If you have played the same sport for more than four (4) seasons in grade 9, 10, 11, and 12 (Rule II.B.). There is no fifth year of eligibility.
4. If you play/practice with an outside team in the same sport while a member of the school team after the first scheduled game in any season (Rule II.E.). The exception to Rule II.E. shall be: a. Participation in parent-child tournaments and caddy tournaments. Exceptions may be made to this regulation. b. Swimming, tennis, and gymnastics - a pupil may practice but not compete with a non-CIAC team during the season.
5. If you play under an assumed name on an outside team (Rule II.F.).
6. If you receive personal economic gain for participation in any CIAC sport (Rule II.F.). Consult your Principal or Athletic Director for any inquiries regarding athletic eligibility.