Section (5000) Students
Policy Name Rules and Regulations for Extra Curricular/Co-Curricular Eligibility
Policy Number 5136 REG
Date Approved 02/10/2003
Date Revised 10/15/2013
Date Revised 11/13/2017
Date Revised 04/30/2024
Date Revised 05/13/2024

Plainville Board of Education and CIAC Rules and Regulations for Athletic Eligibility 

In order to participate on an interscholastic athletic team or extracurricular activity, a student must have satisfied all of the scholastic eligibility requirements prior to participation. All Plainville High School students are subject to eligibility standards set by the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) and the Plainville Board of Education. 

Initial Eligibility by Marking Period and Athletic Season


Determined by Q4 grades of the previous school year

*All first-time 9th grade students are deemed eligible as they don’t have high school Q4 grades from the previous school year


Determined by Q1 grades on report card


Determined by Q2 grades on report card

*Please note that Q2 and Q3 grades can impact eligibility status during the Winter and Spring seasons, respectively.    

Athletic Eligibility

The student must be taking six (6) courses AND passing a minimum of five (5) courses each quarter. 

If a student is taking less than six (6) courses, the student is INELIGIBLE

If a student does not pass at least five (5) courses per quarter, the student is INELIGIBLE

If a student passes at least five (5) courses AND fails a course(s), please see below:

Student has at least five (5) passing grades AND one (1) or two (2) F/FS on their report card: 

If the overall average of all classes is 70% or higher, the student is ELIGIBLE

If the overall average of all classes is below 70%, the student is on PROBATION

Student has at least five (5) passing grades AND three (3) F/FS on their report card: 

The student is INELIGIBLE regardless of their overall average. 

*If a course is dropped after the add/drop period, the grade earned in that course will still be calculated in eligibility status and may impact the student’s eligibility in the upcoming sports season. 

Academically Eligible: No restrictions. Allowed to participate in all athletic events. 

Academic Probation: Allowed to try out and practice but is not allowed to participate in any interscholastic events. Students will be on academic probation until progress reports are issued. On the date that progress reports are issued, if the student is passing all of their classes (no F’s) they will become eligible to compete immediately. At this time, if they are failing a class the student will be deemed academically ineligible and unable to continue participating for the remainder of the season. 

  • Progress reports will only be utilized to monitor students with a probationary status. 

Academically Ineligible: Not allowed to participate in any team activities. Eligibility status can only change at the end of the next marking period.

Summer School: Summer school at PHS is a credit recovery system. A student’s academic eligibility for the fall season is based on quarter four grades from the previous school year. Summer school can help you earn credits toward graduation but will NOT change your eligibility status. 

Transfer Students: Eligibility will be determined based on their last complete marking period grades earned at their most recent placement. 

Incompletes: Scholastic incompletes must be made up within ten (10) school days following the date that student eligibility was determined for the respective marking period. Incomplete grades are not to be considered passing grades. 

Fall Eligibility: Eligibility for the fall season is determined using the last quarterly report card issued in June from the previous school year for all student athletes except first-time ninth graders. First-time ninth graders will automatically be deemed eligible to start their fall season in high school. All other students must have fulfilled the eligibility policy outlined above AND received at least 5 credits towards graduation in the previous school year. 

Winter & Spring: Eligibility for the winter and spring seasons is based on the quarterly report cards, Q1 and Q2 respectively,  issued during the school year (see chart above). Should a marking period conclude during an athletic season, eligibility of all student athletes will be reevaluated at that time. A student’s eligibility is determined on the report card distribution date, noted on the school calendar. 

Transfer Students: Eligibility will be determined based on their last complete marking period grades earned at their most recent placement. 

Eligibility Clock: A student has eight (8) consecutive semesters or four (4) consecutive years of eligibility from the date of entry into ninth grade to be eligible for interscholastic competition. You may not participate in a specific school sport for more than four seasons in grades 9-12. See complete rule for exceptions. 

CIAC Age Rule: The student shall not have reached his or her twentieth (20th) birthday to participate. A student-athlete will not be allowed to start a season or compete during a season in which his/her twentieth (20th) birthday falls. 

CIAC In-Season Rule: During the high school season, starting with the first scheduled contest through the CIAC and New England tournaments, you may not participate or play with an outside team in the same sport. 

Changing Teams: Student athletes may not switch from one school team to another after the first scheduled contest in that sport. 

Any questions regarding athletic eligibility should be directed first to the Athletic Director and then to the Principal, if necessary.

plainville academic eligibility flowchart