Warning Signals of Substance Abuse
Determining whether or not an adolescent is actively abusing a substance or substances such as alcohol, marijuana, stimulants, depressants, etc., can be difficult when there is no physical evidence of the substance.
Below is a list of observable behaviors that can be interpreted as warning signals of substance abuse. It is important to know that an isolated behavior or incident does not necessarily mean substance abuse is the cause. It is development of a pattern and a combination of behaviors that would indicate possible substance abuse.
A. Grades
*declining grades
*erratic effort
*academic failure
*failure to complete work on time
*failure to make-up missed work
B. Class Attendance
*excessive tardiness
*cutting classes
*frequent nurse visits
*frequently asks to be excused from class
*frequent illness
*frequent absences, truancy
C. Class Behavior
*disrupts classroom activities
*defiance of authority
*sudden outbursts
*verbal abuse, obscene language, gestures
*constant talking
*"tuned out", daydreaming
*inability to remember things
D. Student Behavior
*laughing inappropriately
*defensive irritable behavior
*mood swings
*frequent sharing of personal
problems with no apparent
*alibis, elaborate excuses, lying
*change in peer group
*change/deterioration in physical appearance
E. Other Symptoms
*signs of intoxication, of being stoned
*red eyes, chronic cough or colds, sniffling
*too much or too little money (borrows frequently)
*chronically ignoring school rules