Plainville VFW post 574 raffle proceeds support district athletic program & food pantry
The Plainville VFW Post 574 sponsored a raffle over the summer to benefit the school district’s athletic program as well as the Plainville Community Food Pantry, according to Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Maureen Brummett.
The raffle was coordinated by VFW raffle event Chairman Dan Dougherty and Co-Chairmen Brian Hunter, Don Grant, Tom Healy, and Barry Cresswell. Four raffle prizes were awarded, each featuring four box seat tickets to a major league baseball game at Fenway Park.
On September 11th, raffle Chairman Dan Dougherty, together with representatives from the VFW, presented checks to Plainville Community Schools and the Plainville Community Food Pantry as a result of the raffle event. According to Athletic Director Chris Farrell, the generous donation to the district’s athletic program will be used to provide custom team t-shirts for all Plainville High School and Middle School of Plainville athletes. The donation to the Plainville Community Food Pantry will be used for holiday gift baskets for those in need, according to Executive Director, Susie Woerz.
“Once again, our generous community has stepped up to the plate to help their neighbors in need. We were honored and thrilled that the VFW chose us along with Plainville Community Schools. The Food Pantry plans to use these funds to help support our Holiday Basket program,” said Woerz.
“We are immensely grateful for the efforts of the VFW in raising over $3600 to support our athletic programs. Athletic Director Farrell will be purchasing team shirts for our athletes with the proceeds from this fundraiser. Our local veterans are an invaluable resource to the Plainville community,” noted Superintendent Brummett.