School personnel shall educate students about services performed by humanitarian agencies and shall encourage student participation in financial support of agencies as a social and community project, but fund-raising on school grounds or at school sponsored activities shall not be conducted by non-school agencies or for non-school activities among students except as provided by law and approved by the Board of Education.
Organizations or persons not under the control of the Board of Education shall not use school children in any fund-raising programs on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities. Any child engaged in such enterprises must not in dress or speech indicate that the school department has any part in the canvass or sale.
Fund-raising should be kept to a minimum, purely for economic reasons. Any fund raising activity shall first have the approval of the principal before any direct planning. Approval shall be based on, but not limited to, such factors as need, type of activity, and frequency.
Athletic requests should obtain the approval of the athletic director and the assistant principal or principal.
General Guidelines
Whenever school personnel and/or students are involved in any such activity, the school principal shall have full responsibility and final control. Guidelines and applications for fund-raising activities are available in each principals' office.
-An attempt will be made to rotate all fund-raising.
-All funds must be turned in to the school account for proper deposit.
-All items or monies must be equally shared by the group or team, not individuals.
-No student or athlete or team should be pressured or embarrassed into donating or solicitation.
-No fund-raising activity will include gambling or the use of alcohol or drugs.