Section:5000 Students
Policy Name:REGULATION Dress and Grooming Policy
Policy Number:5132 REG
Date Approved:11/29/2001
Last Revised:6/11/2007

Students Dress and Grooming regulations for all schools in Plainville

The following list includes dress-related rules and some examples of dress or styles that are not acceptable:
Pants must be fastened and undergarments must not be visible at any time.

Unkempt clothing such as shirts and pants that are torn, ragged and have holes may be deemed inappropriate.

Shirts or blouses which reveal the midsection, waist,torso or excessive neckline, i.e., spaghetti straps, halter tops, tube tops, muscle shirts and “cropped” tops are unacceptable.

State law requires that shoes be worn at all times in public places. In the elementary schools, shoes with high heels and/or without backs, i.e., clogs and flip-flops are unacceptable. At the secondary level, wearing of clogs and flip-flops may be limited for safety reasons, i.e. labs and P.E. class.

Hats, head, face and eye (other than prescription) coverings of any type in the building are not acceptable, including caps, bandanas, hoods, sunglasses, masks and sweatbands.

The following types of shorts are not allowed:
undergarments worn as shorts, i.e., boxers;
"short shorts" (all shorts must reach at least mid-thigh, hem of shorts should reach fingertips when arm is placed by your side)

Dresses and skirts– hems should reach fingertips when arm is placed by your side.

Clothing advertising/depicting drug, alcohol or tobacco products or use are not allowed.

Any clothing depicting or alluding to violence, obscenity, profanity, gang affiliation, vulgarity or lewd messages including nudity are not acceptable.

Chains (other than necklaces), ropes, sharp collars or sharp necklaces and spikes are considered dangerous and are prohibited.

Outerwear garments designed to be worn in the outdoors (i.e. bulky winter coats) will not be permitted to be worn in the building during the school day.

Loud, dyed hair coloring, excessively applied make-up or excessive body painting/tattoos may be deemed inappropriate.

This list is not intended to include every example of unacceptable dress.

Any administrator or his/her designee may dismiss from class any student whose appearance or dress interferes with the learning process. Students who do not follow acceptable standards may be asked to change clothing or be disciplined. Exceptions to this policy for religious and/or health reasons will be made on an individual basis by an administrator.

These rules are not intended to infringe upon students' freedom of expression within the framework of the policy goals.