Section (1000) Community Relations
Policy Name School Volunteers, Student Interns And Other Non-Employees
Policy Number 1250.5
Date Approved 10/18/2021
Date Revised
Date Revised
Date Revised
Date Revised

The Plainville Community Schools Board of Education (the “Board”) recognizes the importance of school volunteers at all levels of schooling.  Volunteers can enhance collaboration between the school and community, broaden the school’s educational environment and ultimately enrich students’ school experience.  The Board further acknowledges that it may, from time to time, be asked to provide learning experiences for student interns within the school environments, which experiences are not part of the teacher preparation program, as defined in section 10-10a of the Connecticut General Statutes.  In recognition of the benefit of having volunteers, interns and other such non-employees providing services within the schools, the Board supports the involvement of these individuals in accordance with suitable regulations and safeguards to be developed by the Administration.    

Volunteers, interns and other such non-employees working within the schools (“volunteers”) must work under the supervision of Plainville Community Schools (“District”) staff.  Volunteers are held to the same standards of conduct as school staff and must observe all Board policies, including applicable policies on the confidentiality of student information. 

Volunteers may be required to submit to state and federal criminal record checks and a record check of the Department of Children and Families (“DCF”) Child Abuse and Neglect Registry.  No person who is required to register as a sex offender under state or federal law, or whose name is currently listed on the DCF registry, may volunteer in the District.

All volunteers must comply with all school health and safety protocols in place at the time, including but not limited to any health screening protocols.

No employee of the District shall serve as a volunteer in any capacity, except as may be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee based on the specific situation.

Persons interested in volunteering their services should contact the school principal.

Legal References:

         Connecticut General Statutes § 10-4g        Parental and community involvement                                                                                in schools; model program; school-                                                                                        based teams.
         Connecticut General Statutes § 10-220      Duties of boards of education.
         Connecticut General Statutes § 10-235      Indemnification of teachers, board members, employees and certain volunteers and students in damages suits; expenses of litigation.
         Connecticut General Statutes § 54-250 et seq.  Registration of sexual offenders.


Screening Procedure

The following procedure has been established for screening volunteers, interns and other non-employees (“volunteers”) within the Plainville Community Schools (the “District”).  For the purpose of this procedure, volunteers are defined as those individuals who volunteer their time to assist in schools for the benefit of the student body with the express knowledge, consent and direction of a District employee.  Student interns are defined as individuals currently enrolled in a post-secondary program for which an authorized internship is required or for which the student may be granted credit as part of an approved course of study; however, student interns are not students who are enrolled in a teacher preparation program, as defined in section 10-10a of the Connecticut General Statutes.  As with other volunteers, all student interns must be approved in advance by the building administrator or his/her designee and must be under the direction of a Board employee. 

This procedure identifies those situations in which an individual may be required to submit to state and federal criminal record checks and a record check of the Department of Children and Families (“DCF”) Child Abuse and Neglect Registry within 10 days of application and/or request to volunteer within the District.  All results must be received by the [Human Resources Office] before the volunteer may commence his or her services.  Volunteers required to submit to such checks shall be subject to such checks at least every five (5) years, or more frequently in the discretion of the District.  The results of such checks shall be maintained by the [Human Resources Office] for a period of five (5) years.  No person who is required to register as a sex offender under state or federal law, or whose name is currently listed on the DCF registry, may volunteer in the District.

Screening Procedure Definitions

The District has identified two classifications of volunteers:  Group I and Group II.

Group I

Volunteers will be classified in Group I when they assist school staff members with school activities in the presence of a District employee.  Background checks will not be required of Group I volunteers.  Group I volunteers are those who assist school staff members with school activities such as those listed below:

a. assisting in a classroom, cafeteria, or library when a staff member is present; or

b. accompanying a class on a field trip during the school day with a staff member; or

c. helping in the school office during regular school hours; or

d. assisting in the cafeteria or library during regular school hours; or

e. assisting during extracurricular events (e.g., dances, fairs, open houses, sporting events).

Group II

Volunteers will be classified in Group II when they provide services to students when not in the direct presence of a District employee.  Group II volunteers will be required to complete a consent form regarding the release of information concerning any prior or pending criminal offenses, and such volunteers will be required to submit to a record check of the DCF Child Abuse and Neglect Registry.  Group II volunteers are those who engage in activities such as those listed below:

a. accompanying a class on a field trip in which the plans include that students be divided into small groups supervised solely by the volunteer chaperone for any length of time; or

b. chaperoning an overnight field trip; or

c. working in direct contact with students without the direct presence of a District employee; or

d. working as a student intern; or

e. coaching.

Upon receipt of DCF Child Abuse and Neglect Registry results indicating that the volunteer is involved in an abuse or neglect investigation or that the volunteer is listed as a perpetrator of abuse or neglect on the DCF registry, the Superintendent or his or her designee will notify the volunteer of the results of the DCF registry check and will provide an opportunity for the volunteer to respond to the results of the DCF registry check.  No person who is required to register as a sex offender under state or federal law, or whose name is currently listed on the DCF registry, may be approved to volunteer within the District.

When a criminal record check of a volunteer reveals a criminal conviction, whether disclosed or undisclosed on the volunteer’s consent form, the Superintendent will make a case-by-case determination as to whether to allow the individual to volunteer in the District.  Prior to any such decision by the Superintendent or designee, the Superintendent or designee shall inform the volunteer and shall provide an opportunity for the volunteer to respond.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the falsification or omission of any information on a volunteer consent form, including, but not limited to, information concerning criminal convictions or pending criminal charges, may be grounds for the Superintendent or designee to prohibit the individual from becoming a volunteer.

Prior Approval Required

All school volunteers (including student interns or other non-employees working in the schools) must be approved in advance by the building principal or other administrative designee.  The school district, acting through the appropriate building administrator or his/her designee, reserves the right to discontinue or disallow the services of any volunteer at any time at the discretion of the administration.


All volunteers must report to the school office upon arrival to sign in and must report to the office prior to departure to sign out.  A sign-in/sign-out log will be maintained in each school office.  Volunteers must indicate the purpose of their visit and include any other information (i.e., destination, proof of identification, etc.) as may be required by the log.   Additionally, volunteers will be provided with identification badges, which must be displayed during each visit.  All volunteers must comply with all school health and safety protocols in place at the time, including but not limited to any health screening protocols.

Legal Reference:


         Connecticut General Statutes § 10-4g        Parental and community involvement                                                                                in schools; model program; school-                                                                                        based teams.
         Connecticut General Statutes § 10-220      Duties of boards of education.
         Connecticut General Statutes § 10-235      Indemnification of teachers, board                                                                                 members, employees and certain                                                                                       volunteers and students in damages                                                                               suits; expenses of litigation.
         Connecticut General Statutes § 54-250 et seq.  Registration of sexual offenders.