Meetings of the board of education shall be conducted by the chairperson in a manner consistent with the bylaws of the board.
All board meetings shall commence at the stated time and shall be guided by an agenda which has been prepared and delivered in advance to all board members and other designated persons.
The conduct of meetings shall, to the fullest possible extent, enable members of the board to (1) consider problems to be solved, weigh evidence related thereto, and make wise decisions intended to solve the problems, and (2) receive, consider and take any needed action with respect to reports of accomplishment both as to students and to school system operations.
Provision for permitting any individual or group to address the board concerning any subject that lies within its jurisdiction shall be as follows:
1. Five minutes may be allotted to each speaker and a maximum of twenty minutes to each subject matter.
2. No boisterous conduct shall be permitted at any board of education meeting. Persistence in boisterous conduct shall be grounds for summary termination, by the chair, of that person's privilege of address. If necessary, the chairperson may clear the room so that board members may continue the meeting and, if necessary, removal of that person from the meeting.
3. No oral presentation shall include charges or complaints against any employee of the board of education, regardless of whether or not the employee is identified in the presentation by name or by another reference which tends to identify an individual. All charges or complaints against employees shall be submitted to the board of education under provision of board of education policy.
(cf. 1312 - Public Complaints)
The board of education may adjourn any regular or special meeting to a specified time and place. If all members of the board are absent, the clerk may adjourn the meeting. A copy of the notice of adjournment shall be conspicuously displayed near the meeting room door within twenty-four hours of adjournment.
Actions by the Board
No action will be taken unless the subject acted upon was listed in the agenda published for that meeting, except that an item of business not included on the agenda of a regular meeting may be considered and acted upon after a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting to add such business to the agenda.
The board of education shall not adopt resolutions except where such adoption is required by law, or where the intent of the board is to publish a status position of the board, as in advising the General Assembly of the board's position on a proposed law, or commending staff members or other agencies for work well done.
All actions taken by the board shall be identified clearly in minutes of the board meeting as provided by Bylaw 9326, Minutes.
(cf. 1120 - Board of Education Meetings re public participation)
(cf. 9321 - Time, Place, Notification of Meetings)
(cf. 9322 - Public and Executive Sessions)
(cf. 9323 - Construction/Posting of Agenda)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
1-200 Definitions
1-210 Access to Public Records
1-225 Meetings of government agencies to the public
1-226 Recording, broadcasting or photographing meetings
19a-342 Smoking prohibited in certain places
1-228 Adjournment of meetings
1-231 Executive sessions
1-232 Conduct of meetings
1-206 Denial of access of public records or meetings
10-224 Duties of the secretary