The Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) will interact with and support the Plainville Board of Education by developing, reviewing, and monitoring school district policies, regulations and guidelines.
A. The size of the PAC shall be limited to a maximum of 15, but not less than 10 members.
B. Any resident over the age of 18 may apply for membership.
C. The EAP and PASA shall recommend a representative.
D. The Plainville High School Student Council shall recommend a student representative.
E. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be a member.
F. The PTAs shall recommend three (3) members who will be representative of the different school levels, if possible.
G. Membership from the community at large shall be limited to six (6).
H. The term of membership shall be four (4) years. However, any member may be reappointed for additional term(s). In no event will an individual serve more than twelve (12) years consecutively. In the event that more than two (2) members are up for renewal at the same time, their term will be staggered as not to interfere with continuity when their term expires.
A. All potential members, with the exception of the Superintendent or designee, the EAP, PASA, or high school representatives, must attend at least two (2) monthly meetings prior to submitting a letter of application to the Board of Education. This letter must contain pertinent biographical information.
B. A copy of the letter shall be sent to the recorder of the Policy Advisory Committee.
C. The Board of Education shall make the appointment for membership.
A. Members must attend at least seven (7) of the ten (10) monthly meetings and actively participate on PAC sub-committees.
B. Members must notify the recorder in advance if a meeting will be missed.
C. In the event of three (3) consecutive absences, recommendation for dismissal may be considered.
D. A leave of absence may be granted by the PAC.
A. If a member intends to resign, a written request must be submitted to the Board of Education with a copy to the recorder.
B. The chairperson(s) or recorder shall submit recommendations for dismissal to the Policy Advisory Committee for consideration.
C. If the committee agrees with the recommendation, the chairperson(s) shall contact the individual prior to submitting a letter to the Board of Education requesting dismissal.
A quorum shall consist of simple majority of current membership.
A copy of these regulations shall be given to each potential member at the time of their initial attendance at a Policy Advisory Committee meeting.