New Construction in Physical Facilities
Recognition of Meritorious Service to Education: Memorial Wall of Honor
Few individuals, though deserving of significant recognition for their service to the educational community, are likely to have the opportunity to have a facility named in their honor. As a fitting alternative, a Wall of Honor has been established. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that persons recognized by the Wall of Honor are individuals who have made noteworthy contributions or performed services deemed to have been of great importance to the educational community.
The Memorial Wall of Honor will be a permanent tribute, consisting of a plaque describing the honoree's accomplishments, placed on a display panel at Plainville High School. A notebook including complete biographical information will be assembled and displayed in a public area of the high school.
This policy establishes uniform procedures for selection of individuals to be recognized on the Wall of Honor. The policy also establishes criteria that will guide members of a Selection Committee in recommending names for approval by the Board of Education.
Procedure for Nominating and Selecting Individuals To Be Honored
A) Responsibility of the Superintendent's Office
Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Superintendent's Office.
1) Requests concerning an individual to be recognized on the Memorial Wall of Honor shall be made in writing on an approved nomination form to the Superintendent of Schools.
a) All submittals, whether from an individual or an organization, must include the name and address of the submitter. No anonymous submittals will be accepted.
b) All suggestions will be given the same consideration without regard to the nomination source.
2) The Superintendent is responsible for conveying the name suggestion forms to the Selection Committee and presenting the recommendations from the Selection Committee to the Board of Education. The Superintendent's Office shall assure that adequate time is allowed for the Selection Committee to evaluate the recommended names.
B) Responsibility of the Selection Committee
1) The Selection Committee will be formed each year by appointment by the Board Chair and will consist of representatives from the following
a) Business Community member (1 representative)
b) Plainville Town Council member (1 representative)
c) School Administrator (1 representative)
d) Plainville Board of Education member (1 representative)
e) Staff member (Plainville Community Schools) (1 representative)
f) Plainville resident (1 representative)
g) Parent active in PTO, PTC or PAC (1 representative)
2) The Superintendent's Office will convene a meeting of the Selection Committee during the month of November if nomination(s) were received during the month of October from the public.
3) The Selection Committee will consider the criteria below, the written nominations, and will then submit a recommendation to the Board of Education, who will provide final approval in February. No more than three (3) applications per year will be selected for recognition. Nominations not selected for Board consideration will remain in the file for one year without resubmission.
4) Once approved, staff will prepare a transmittal and resolution for consideration and approval by the Board. The transmittal shall include a narrative citing the notable achievements and contributions of the individual and a copy of the suggestion form.
5) After final Board of Education approval, an induction ceremony will take place during the month of April.
C) Criteria
The following criteria shall be used in selecting persons for this honor:
1) Twenty (20) or more years of significant educational community service contributions.
2) Sustained the quality of life or had a positive impact on the lives of Plainville students.
3) Created opportunities for students through new facilities or programs.
4) Was a Plainville resident during the time the nominee provided educational community service.
5) The individual has not been previously honored by other actions of the town, such as facilities named in their honor or other memorial.
6) Candidate must be deceased.
7) Individual was a positive role model and exemplified high moral character.
D) Board Action
1) The recommendation(s) received from the Selection Committee shall be placed on the Board agenda for final approval.
2) Action by the Board shall be taken by Board Resolution.
NOTE: Questions and/or clarification of this policy should be directed to the Superintendent's Office.
Lesser Forms of Recognition:
Not all recognitions will rise to the level of the Memorial Wall of Honor, but deserve some type of memorialization. In these cases, the Superintendent will work with the individual(s) who have inquired about this recognition and the building principal (if applicable) to determine the most appropriate method for recognition. Examples could include, but are not restricted to, small plaques on a donated item or the name of the individual in a library book(s). These lesser forms of recognition will not require the more rigorous vetting process established for the Memorial Wall of Honor.