Architect Selection
The Board must continuously strive to provide new facilities and/or timely renovation that will provide the best educational environment for all students within fiscal constraints. To assist the Board in the accomplishment of this objective, an architect will be commissioned for every major building or renovation project initiated by the Board.
In selecting an architect, the following criteria will be considered:
1) Training and experience including that of the partners and associates
2) Planning ability and promptness
3) Specification writing, accuracy and sufficiency of detail
4) Design, appearance and utility
5) Inspection of job effectiveness
6) Relation with contractors
7) Experience with government agencies
8) Cost
9) Ability to otherwise meet the best interests of the District
The Board will appoint an architect selection committee whose sole function is to interview qualified applicants for a project and recommend to the Superintendent an architect for each project. The Superintendent will make the final determination of the architect to be recommended to the Board. The committee will be composed of the following:
* An outside volunteer architect or person familiar with architectural designing (if available)
* Superintendent or designee
* Director of Environmental Services
* Business Manager
* All Board Members who choose to be on the committee
The Superintendent will establish the criteria to be used by the committee in ranking applicants and the procedure to be used in conducting interviews.