Section (6000) Instruction
Policy Name Graduation Requirements
Policy Number 6146
Date Approved 10/10/1989
Date Revised 10/15/2002
Date Revised 02/13/17
Date Revised 03/05/21
Date Revised 01/11/2021 
State Requirements by Law (CGA Public Act 17-42)
Plainville High School Requirements
STEM  9 3  Math
3  Science
3  STEM Electives
Humanities  9 3  English
3  Social Studies
3  Humanities Electives
Physical Education  1  1   Physical Education
Health & Safety  1  1   Health (0.5) & Safety* (0.5)
World Language  1  1   World Language
Mastery-Based Graduation Requirement  1  1   Mastery-Based Graduation Requirement*

- 0.5  Financial Literacy*

0.5  Developmental Guidance
Electives  3 2  Additional Electives
Total  25 25  Total

* = These credits are only required for the class of 2023. The classes of 2021 & 2022 may take an additional 2.0 credits of electives to fulfill the 25 credits needed for graduation.


         In order to satisfy the high school graduation requirements within Plainville Community Schools, a student must have satisfactorily completed his or her prescribed courses of study, demonstrated proficiency in basic skills identified by the Plainville Board of Education and satisfied the legally mandated number and distribution of credits required to graduate from high school.

The Plainville Board of Education may establish, at any point during the school year, a firm graduation date no earlier than the 180th day of the Board adopted school calendar for that year.

Required Coursework and Credits for Graduation

         The Plainville Board of Education conforms with state law regarding credits for graduation from high school.

Classes Graduating in 2021 will follow the below 2020 requirements

Classes Graduating in 2022, 2023 and Thereafter

For classes graduating in 2022, two elective courses will take the place of the 2023 required coursework of Safety, Financial Literacy and Mastery-Based Learning

For classes graduating in 2023 and thereafter, the following 25 credits are required:   




Sophomore Status

6 credits must be earned

Junior Status

12 credits must be earned

Senior Status

18 credits must be earned

* Athletes must have 5 courses per semester they play a sport
* Seniors must have at least 5 credits in their schedule

In order to participate in graduation ceremonies, seniors must earn at least 6 credits in their senior year.  Seniors are required to carry no less than 5 credit bearing classes per semester. Special circumstances and principal approval are required to waive the above requirements. 

Students who return for a fifth year of study in order to graduate must obtain a written approval from the principal before school begins

State Requirements by Law
(CGA Public Act 17-42)

Plainville High School Requirements for Class of 2023 and Beyond

Credit Recommendations For Most Colleges

Credit Recommendations For Highly Selective Colleges







Math, Science, Engineering, Technology, Business, Family and Consumer Science




1 credit of Algebra 1

1 credit of Geometry

1 credit of additional math

3 Including Algebra 2

4 Including Statistics or Pre-Calc for all majors.

Including Calculus for Engineering Majors



1 credit of Planet Earth
1 credit of Biology
1 credit of additional science

3 (2 lab sciences)
Including Chemistry
Including Physics for Engineering and Nursing Majors

4 (2 lab sciences)

Including Chemistry

Including Physics for Engineering and Nursing Majors


STEM Electives

Additional Math, Science, as well as Engineering, Technology, Business, Family and Consumer Science




Grade English, Social Studies, World Language, Art, Music, Theater




1 credit of English 9
1 credit of English 10
1 credit of English 11




Social Studies

1 credit of US History
0.5 credits of Am. Government
1.5 credits of additional S. Studies




Humanities Electives

.5 credit of art, music or theater

Additional English, SS, any additional W. Language credits earned beyond the first credit, as well as art,music, and theater


2+ At least one year of visual or performing arts

Physical Education



Physical Education

.5 credits of PE 9
.5 credits of PE 10
.5 credits of PE 11/12



Health & Safety



Health (0.5 credits) & *Safety(0.5 credits)



World Language



World Language

2-3 years of the same world language

3-4 years of the same world language

Mastery-Based Graduation Requirement



Mastery-Based Graduation Requirement*






Financial Literacy*






Developmental Guidance

.25 Freshman Academy






Additional Electives









Community Service Hours


Community service hours and forms must be completed by the end of the student’s senior year. Forms can be obtained in the School Counseling Office or on the school website and should be approved by an administrator/counselor prior to beginning the service.

* = These credits are required for the Class of 2023 and beyond. The Class of 2022 may take an additional 2 credits of electives to fulfill the 25 credits needed for graduation. 


   STEM electives and Humanities electives are designated in the program of studies. Once a student has fulfilled the required courses in either STEM or Humanities, the credits automatically apply as elective credits.  

   The Financial Literacy requirement can be satisfied by taking the Personal Finance course offered at PHS only when the Personal Finance course is not taken to meet Math or STEM elective requirements.



LITERACY – Students will evidence proficiency and fluency in reading and writing through the following: 

Achieve at or above the state proficiency score on both the Critical Reasoning AND Writing SAT
Achieve at or above the state proficiency score (SAT equivalent) on both the Critical Reasoning AND Writing PSAT
Standards as determined by the P.P.T. for special education students
Participate in a skills based program and/or alternative assessment in the senior year and obtain a passing score on a departmental Reading and/or writing experience

MATHEMATICS – Students will evidence knowledge, skills and appreciations needed for understanding and utilizing mathematical ideas, techniques and application by one of the following: 

Achieve at or above the state proficiency score on the math SAT
Achieve at or above the state proficiency score (SAT equivalent) on the math PSAT
Standards as determined by the P.P.T. for special education students
Participate in a skills based program and/or alternative assessment in the junior or senior year and obtain a passing score on a departmental mathematics assessment task

SCIENCE – Students will apply the scientific process to solve problems as evidenced by one of the following: 

Achieve at or above the state proficiency score on the state mandated NGSS assessment
Standards as determined by the P.P.T. for special education students
Meet standard on an NGSS-Aligned Science Performance Task in the junior or senior year of science class if the student has failed to pass the CAPT/NGSS aligned assessment during their junior and/or senior year.

 CITIZENSHIP – Students will evidence the ability to be a contributing member of the school and local community, and demonstrate knowledge and skills in career activities by meeting ALL of the following criteria:

Satisfactory completion of 20 learning through service hours over 4 years
Successful completion of a career exploration activities


SOCIAL STUDIES – Students will evidence knowledge of diverse cultures and world issues by meeting all of the following criteria:

Obtain at least 3 credits in Social Studies
Earn 1 credit in U.S. History, .5 credit in Civics/Government, and 1.5 additional credits in social studies electives

THE ARTS – Students will create, perform and respond to one or more art forms and demonstrate understanding by:

Obtaining 1.5 credits in Visual Arts, Performing Arts, or Unified Arts classes


HEALTH AND WELLNESS – Students will exhibit evidence of participation in activities that promote lifelong health and physical fitness by meeting ALL of the following criteria:

Obtain 1.5 credits in Physical Education and .5 is in Health (Formerly called Life Skills) Effective for the Class of 2018 and beyond.
Develop an individual fitness program utilizing personal fitness testing indicators
Implement an individual fitness program utilizing personal fitness testing indicators
Successful completion of the 9th grade swim unit.

A student who presents written documentation from a physician or advanced practice registered nurse stating that participation in physical education is not advisable because of the physical condition of the student, shall be excused from the physical education requirement.  In such a case, another subject must be substituted.

Any student who is deaf or hearing impaired may be exempted from any world language graduation requirement if his or her parent or guardian requests such exemption in writing.

A credit is defined as not less than the equivalent of a forty-minute class period for each school day of a school year except for a credit or part of a credit toward high school graduation earned (1) at an institution accredited by the Board of Regents for Higher Education or Office of Higher Education or regionally accredited, (2) through on-line coursework that is in accordance with Board policy, or (3) through a demonstration of mastery based on competency and performance standards, in accordance with guidelines adopted by the State Board of Education.

Only courses taken in grades nine to twelve inclusive, and that are in accordance with the state-wide subject matter content standards, adopted by the State Board of Education, shall satisfy the above graduation requirements, except that the Board will grant a student credit:

High school graduation credit will be granted to students upon the successful demonstration of mastery of subject matter achieved through educational experiences and opportunities that provide flexible and multiple pathways to learning, including:

·         Cross-curricular graduation requirements,
·         Career and technical education,
·         Virtual learning,
·         Work-based learning,
·         Service learning,
·         Dual enrollment and early college
·         Courses taken in middle school, and
·         Internships and student-designed independent studies;

Provided that such demonstration of mastery is in accordance with such state-wide subject matter content standards.

High school graduation credit will be granted to students for courses successfully completed in grades seven and eight so long as the primary focus of the course corresponds directly to the subject matter of a specified course requirement at the high school level.

High school graduation credit will be granted to students for World Language courses successfully completed in grades six, seven or eight.  In addition, high school graduation credit will be granted to students for World Language courses successfully completed as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee, through on-line coursework or upon achievement of a passing grade, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee, in a course offered privately through a nonprofit provider.

High school graduation credit will be granted to students who pass a subject area proficiency examination identified and approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Education, regardless of the number of hours a student spent in a Plainville Public Schools classroom learning the subject matter.

High school graduation credit will be granted to students for coursework completed during the school year or summer months at an institution accredited by the Board of Regents for Higher Education or Office of Higher Education or regionally accredited.  One three-credit semester course, or its equivalent, at such an institution shall equal one-half credit for purposes of this policy.

High school graduation credit will be granted to students upon the successful completion of on-line coursework in accordance with the Board’s on-line coursework policy (#6172.6).

The Plainville Board of Education shall award a high school diploma to any World War II veteran or veteran of the Korean Hostilities or Vietnam Era veteran requesting such diploma who left high school for military service as defined in the statutes.

The Plainville Board of Education shall award a high school diploma to any person who (1) withdrew from high school prior to graduation to work in a job that assisted the war effort during World War II, December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946, inclusive, (2) did not receive a diploma as a consequence of such work, and (3) has been a resident of the state for at least (50) consecutive years.

Graduation During Period of Expulsion

A student may graduate during an expulsion period if the Board determines that the student has completed the necessary credits required for graduation.

Legal References:

Public Act 17-42, An Act Concerning Revisions to the High School Graduation Requirements

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-5c
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-14n
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-16b
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-221a
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-223a