Policy |
School activity funds may be expended only for purposes which may benefit the student body of the school. All rules, regulations and procedures for the conduct, operation and maintenance of extracurricular accounts, and for the safeguarding, accounting and auditing of all monies received and derived from those accounts are to contribute to that objective.
The accounting system for managing student activity funds shall be designed to encourage the largest possible educational return to students without sacrificing the safety of funds or exposing students to undue responsibility or unnecessary routine.
School Funds
The management of school funds is a matter of great concern to all communities. The responsibility resulting from the control of school money is a serious one. The court's point of view seldom places the responsibility on the student except where losses-with-intent occur. Intent must be proven. Hence, the whole burden of responsibility rests with members of the staff.
To protect the student funds, to afford as much protection as possible for teachers, and to carry on in an approved business fashion, all are expected to follow the system outlined below.
1. Income
A. Pupils may sell tickets whenever advance sales are in operation.
B. Teachers responsible for activities should receive a daily report from
student salesmen. This report should show tickets on hand and tickets
C. Teachers will take custody of the money collected daily.
D. Class dues should be turned over to advisors on the day collected.
E. All money received should normally be secured in the office on the day it is received for deposit as soon afterward as possible.
F. Teachers who wish money placed in the school vault until banking time
must place the money in a sealed or locked container that is clearly
labeled with the name of the organization.
G. Every teacher concerned should be sure the money deposited is counted by the advisor and administrator"s designee. The activity advisor must count all money prior to placing the money in the school safe.
2. Expenditures
A. No one is to order any materials without first having obtained a written
purchase order signed by the Principal. The office will not accept bills for
payment unless the order has been approved and signed.
B. All expenditures must be requisitioned on the forms provided. These
should include the payee, the amount, and the activity to be charged. They
must be signed by the teachers in charge.
C. A check will be written upon receipt of the voucher.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-237 School Activity Funds