Policy |
It is the policy of the Plainville Board of Education that all students should be placed in instructional programs in which they can achieve academically as well as emotionally, socially and physically. It is expected that the vast majority of students, given positive motivation, appropriate instruction, wide opportunities to learn and early intensive intervention will progress successfully in school. Some students may require more individual attention and supplemental services to realize their potential. In some instances, students may be considered for retention when they are below expected levels of academic performance. The decision to promote, or retain a student shall be based on what is best for each individual student.
Upon recommendation of the school principal, students who are below expected levels of performance that may jeopardize their eligibility for promotion will be provided with alternatives. Additionally, the school principal may require that students attend after school programs, summer school or other alternatives offered by the district that are designed to assist students in progressing academically.
A. Evaluation and Reporting Procedures
1. Generally, by February 1 the teacher shall confer with the principal, other staff members involved with the child, and the parents to discuss and document specific areas of concern.
2. Parents shall then be invited to a meeting with the teacher, principal, and other staff members, to the extent possible, by March 15 for a discussion of progress. This discussion shall consist of an explanation to the parents of their child's current academic standing in relationship to program objectives and individual ability. Written goals and action plans shall be set for the period through May 1. During the first two weeks of May, another meeting will be held to review the goals and the students' progress.
3. In June, the final decision of promotion or retention shall be made by the principal after consultation with staff and parents. If a student is considered for retention, but is conditionally promoted, the reasons for promotion shall be documented, including whether a student is required to participate in summer school as the basis for promotion. All students conditionally promoted shall be re-evaluated by the end of the first marking period of the next school year.
B. Guidelines for promotion and retention
The major factors for consideration in determining the degree to which students reach the expected levels of performance for promotion are:
(1) age, physical size and maturity,
(2) documentation of the successful completion of the curriculum,
(3) assessed performance on district testing as recorded in the cumulative file which includes intervention cards and literacy assessments,
(4) performance on standardized tests,
(5) report card grades,
(6) teacher/parent input,
(7) attendance,
(8) previous retention, and
(9) high school grade level advancements serve as additional criteria.
The educational program for a retained student for the following school year shall be structured in a way that will offer a greater chance for learning success. The revised program will be developed by the school team and should reflect an analysis of the student's progress. The results of the analysis will be used to create a program to ensure success during the retention year. Finally, a monitoring system should be established for ongoing assessment of the interventions.
C. Special Services
The promotion and/or retention of students who receive special education services or programs will include input from the local planning and placement team.
Legal references: Connecticut General Statutes 10-221
Connecticut General Statutes 10-221a
Public Act 99-288
Cross reference: Plainville Board of Education Policies
5124 - Reporting to Parents
6146 - Graduation Requirements
6146.1 - Grading System
6146.2(a) - Statewide Proficiency/Mastery Examinations
6174 - Summer School