Section (4000) Personnel
Policy Name Certified/Non-Certified - Employee Protection
Policy Number 4330
Date Approved 10/10/1989
Date Revised 06/11/1990
Date Revised 11/10/2003
Date Revised  -
Date Revised  -

An employee may use reasonable force as is necessary to protect himself/herself from attack, to protect another person or property, to quell a disturbance threatening physical injury to others, or to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects upon the person or in the control of a pupil.

Physical force may not be used as a disciplinary measure.

Employees shall immediately report in writing cases of assault suffered by them in connection with their employment to their principal or in the event the principal is unavailable, another immediate superior who shall act in absence of the principal. The principal shall immediately report such physical assault to the local police authority. Such notification shall also be forwarded immediately to the superintendent who shall comply with any reasonable request from the employee for information in the possession of the superintendent relating to the incident or the persons involved, and shall act as liaison between the employee, the police and the courts.

No school administrator shall interfere with the right of a teacher or other school employee to file a complaint with the local police authority in cases of threats of physical violence or actual physical violence against such teacher or employee.

As required by law, the Board of Education will file a report annually with the State Board of Education indicating the number of threats and physical assaults made by students upon teachers, administrators and other school personnel, and the number of physical assaults involving dangerous weapons made by students upon other students.

In cases of student assaults, employees shall be indemnified and protected in accordance with law.

Section 52-557b (b) of the General Statutes grants immunity from liability for emergency medical assistance to a person in need of it when the assistance is given by a teacher or other school personnel on the school grounds, in a school building, or at a school function, provided that the teacher or other staff member has completed a course in first aid by the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, the National Ski Patrol, the Department of Health Services and any director of health, as certified by the agency or director of health offering the course. Such immunity extends to civil damages for any personal injuries which result from acts or omissions by the person giving the emergency care or first aid, which might constitute ordinary negligence. Such immunity does not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross, willful, or wanton negligence.

A teacher or other school personnel, on the school grounds or in the school building or at a school function, who has completed both a course in first aid in accordance with the above paragraph of this policy and course given by the medical advisor of the school or by a licensed physician in the administration of medication by injection, who renders emergency care by administration of medication by injection to a person in need thereof, shall not be liable to the person assisted for civil damages for any injuries which result from acts or omissions by the person in rendering the emergency care of administration of medication by injection, which may constitute ordinary negligence. The immunity does not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross, willful or wanton negligence.

(cf.5144 — Discipline/Punishment)

Legal Reference:

    Connecticut General Statutes

    10-235 (a) Indemnification of teachers, board and commission members and employees in damage suits; expenses of litigation.

    10-233g Boards to report school violence. Reports of principals to police authority.

    10-236a Indemnification of educational personnel assaulted in the line of duty.

    52-557b (b) (e) Immunity form liability for emergency medical assistance, first aid or medication by injection.

    53a-18 The use of reasonable physical force defense by teachers and certain other persons.