Section (4000) Personnel
Policy Name REGULATION Wellness
Policy Number 4141 REG
Date Approved 02/12/07
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  

Wellness Guideline

The Plainville Community Schools Board of Education recognizes the importance of promoting good student/staff nutrition and a healthy school environment. To this end, the Board authorizes the administration to develop an integrated nutrition program to provide students/staff with the skills and support to adopt healthy eating behaviors, obtain positive nutritional status, and achieve improved academic success.

Additionally, the district shall take the appropriate measures to implement a comprehensive nutrition/health curriculum, promote healthful student eating through the provision of a well-balanced and nutritionally sound school lunch program, promote the consumption of appropriate portions of healthy foods and beverages at designated times in classrooms, and encourage increased physical activity for students during and after the school day, where appropriate.

Plainville Community Schools is determined to create a healthful environment for our students and staff members. With a collaboration of health, physical education, support services and food services, we believe that we can educate our community to make healthy and positive choices regarding physical activity and nutrition.

The school administration and nutrition committee shall develop guidelines indicating a plan of action for implementing this policy.

Legal Reference: Public Act 04-224 (An Act Concerning Childhood Nutrition in Schools, Recess and Lunch Breaks).