Section (4000) Personnel
Policy Name REGULATION - Certified - Staff Development
Policy Number 4131 REG
Date Approved 11/10/2003
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  

Staff Development

The Superintendent shall provide the staff with opportunities in areas such as the following:

Training classes and workshops offered within or through the district:

  1. Release time and leaves of absence for travel and study.
  2. Visits to other classrooms and other schools.
  3. Conferences involving other personnel from the district, county, state, region, and nation.
  4. Membership in committees drawing personnel from such sources.
  5. Training classes and workshops offered within the district.
  6. Further training at, or in cooperation with, institutions of higher learning, as provided by law.
  7. Up-to-date professional library for the certified staff, made available for optimum reference use.
  8. Professional educational conferences.

The Board shall provide professional employees, on an annual basis, the statutorily mandated number of hours of professional development activities for continuing education credit. All professional development activities shall be planned in response to identified needs. Such activities shall (1) be conducted by qualified instructional personnel, as appropriate; (2) have the requirement for participation in the activity shared with participants before the start of the activity; (3) be evaluated in terms of the activity's effectiveness and its contribution to the attainment of school or district-wide goals and (4) be documented in accordance with procedures established by the state Board of Education.

The administration shall develop and implement a professional development plan to provide for the evaluation and professional development of the professional staff, including personnel management and evaluation training or experience for administrators. Such plans shall be related to regular and special student needs and may include provisions concerning career incentives and parent involvement.

Legal References:

Connecticut General Statutes
10-27 Exchange of professional personnel and students
10-220a In-Service training
10-226g Inter-group relations training for teachers
10-145b Teaching Certificates