Section Policy Number Policy Name
(4000) Personnel 4000 Personnel-Recruiting and Hiring
(4000) Personnel 4000 REG REGULATION - Employment/Reference Checks
(4000) Personnel 4001 School Volunteers
(4000) Personnel 4001 REG REGULATION - School Volunteers
(4000) Personnel 4002 Athletic Coaches
(4000) Personnel  4003 Increasing Educator Diversity Plan
(4000) Personnel 4010 Non-Discrimination
(4000) Personnel  4010 REG REGULATION - Non-Discrimination
(4000) Personnel 4020 Affirmative Action
(4000) Personnel 4030 Section 504/ADA
(4000) Personnel 4040 Personnel-Employee and Labor Relations
(4000) Personnel 4050 Health Examinations
(4000) Personnel 4060 Vacancies, Transfers and Reassignments
(4000) Personnel 4070 Nepotism
(4000) Personnel 4090 Outside Employment
(4000) Personnel 4112.52 & 4212.52 Security Check/Fingerprinting/Criminal History
(4000) Personnel 4112.52 & 4212.52 REG Security Check/Fingerprinting/Criminal History
(4000) Personnel 4115 Evaluation
(4000) Personnel 4118.24 Staff/Student Non-Fraternization
(4000) Personnel 4119 Prohibition on Recommendations for Psychotropic Drugs
(4000) Personnel 4120 Employment Classifications
(4000) Personnel 4130 Personnel Records
(4000) Personnel 4131 Certified - Staff Development
(4000) Personnel 4131 REG REGULATION - Certified - Staff Development
(4000) Personnel 4141 REG REGULATION Wellness
(4000) Personnel 4210 Benefits Family and Medical Leave - Certified/Non-Certified
(4000) Personnel 4210 REG REGULATION- Family and Medical Leaves - Certified/Non-Certified
(4000) Personnel 4310 Certified - Load/Scheduling/Hours of Employment
(4000) Personnel 4315 Minimum Duty-Free Lunch Period for Teachers
(4000) Personnel 4320 Acceptable Computer Network Use
(4000) Personnel 4320 REG REGULATION - Acceptable Computer Network Use
(4000) Personnel 4320.1 Electronic Mail
(4000) Personnel 4321 Social Media
(4000) Personnel 4321 REG Use of Social Media
(4000) Personnel 4330 Certified/Non-Certified - Employee Protection
(4000) Personnel 4340 Attendance
(4000) Personnel 4410 Conduct and Discipline-Employee Discipline
(4000) Personnel 4415 Reports of Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Children or Reports of Sexual Assault of Students By School Employees
(4000) Personnel 4420 Policy Regarding Prohibition Of Sex Discrimination And Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
(4000) Personnel 4420 REG REGULATION - Administrative Regulations Regarding The Prohibition Of Sex Discrimination And Sexual Harassment
(4000) Personnel 4430 Drugs, Alcohol/Drug Free Work Place
Illicit Drugs and Alcohol
(4000) Personnel 4440 Drug & Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers