Specially designed instruction is offered to elementary and middle school students needing intensive special education services. Students can receive a range of services that may include:

  • Individualized or small group special education instruction

  • Related services such as speech and language and occupational/physical therapy

  • Individualized behavioral programming as needed

  • Special education instructional services within the mainstream classroom

  • Paraprofessional support to maximize student learning and socialization in the mainstream setting

  • Consultation with parents, staff and community resources

  • Services of consulting psychologist as needed

Our instructors are integral members of the educational team who provide a wide range of early intervention and special education services. These services may be provided directly as part of the student's specially designed instruction or in the classroom depending upon the needs of the student.

Resource Teachers are integral members of the educational team who provide a wide range of early intervention and special education services. These services may be provided directly in the resource room or in the classroom depending upon the needs of the student. Responsibilities include:

  • Performing as member of the Planning and Placement Team and Pre-referral Teams

  • Conducting informal screenings

  • Conducting formal and informal diagnostic assessments

  • Planning, implementing, and monitoring specially designed instruction to achieve selected goals and objectives for individual students

  • Developing alternative educational materials and tests including technology enhanced instruction and testing

  • Maintaining documentation and files

  • Acting as Case Manager and point of contact for special education students

  • Consulting with parents, staff, and community resources

  • Team teaching with regular education staff in the classroom, providing whole class, small group, and individualized instruction

  • Supervising instructional programs provided by tutors and aides

  • Participating as a member of various school and district committees