Section (5000) Students
Policy Name REGULATION - Certificate of Age
Policy Number 5113.1 REG
Date Approved 10/10/1989
Date Revised 05/10/2005
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  

The senior high school principal shall, upon application and in accordance with procedures established by the state board of education, furnish certificate of age of any student to an employer wishing to employ said student.

1. Student obtains a form from the high school office called "Promise of Employment" form. This is filled out by the person that has promised to employ said student. On this form, the employer must state the exact type of work that the student will do.

2. The completed "Promise of Employment" form (which must have the employer's signature on it) is returned to the secretary in the high school office. At this time, the student must also be able to present proof of his/her age. A birth certificate is the most acceptable form of proof.

3. Having completed the above two steps, the student will be issued working papers.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-193 Certificate of age of minors in certain occupations
10-194 Penalty
10-195 Evidence of age
10-197 Penalty of employment under fourteen
10-198 False statement as to age