Section (4000) Personnel
Policy Name Personnel Records
Policy Number 4130
Date Approved 10/10/1989
Date Revised 11/10/2003
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Personnel records shall be kept on all current employees and shall include information normally maintained in good personnel administration.

A file will be kept for all former employees, including essential information deemed appropriate bythe administration, and as otherwise required pursuant to records retention schedules published by Administrator of Public Records for the State of Connecticut.

The State of Connecticut Freedom of Information Act provides that personnel records, with the exception of records of teacher performance and evaluation, are public records subject to disclosure upon request unless the Board of Education, acting through the superintendent of schools or his/her designee, reasonably determines that the disclosure of such records would legally constitute an invasion of the employee’s privacy. If such a determination is made the superintendent or his/her designee will immediately notify the employee in writing and the employee’s collective bargaining representative, if any, and if the employee concerned or the employee’s bargaining representative objects to disclosure in the manner specified in Connecticut General Statutes §1-214 the records will not be disclosed unless so ordered by the state of Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission. The employee may subsequently approve disclosure of the requested records notwithstanding any objection that may have been filed by the employee’s bargaining representative in which case the records will be disclosed.

Special rules apply to records that contain evaluative information about teachers. Records of teacher performance and evaluation shall not be released without the prior written consent of the teacher. However, records maintained or kept on file of the teacher’s personal misconduct must be disclosed upon request and such disclosure does not require the teacher’s consent. For the purposes of this provision regarding records of teacher performance, evaluation and misconduct, the term "teacher" includes each certified employee of the school district below the rank of superintendent employed in a position requiring a certificate issued by the State Board of Education. Teachers will be notified if personnel records have been released and to whom.

Employees may review their personnel files during off duty time under the supervision of a school district administrator. Certified employees shall have rights of knowledge of and access to their personnel files as provided for under Connecticut General Statutes §10-151a.

Legal References:

C.G.S. §1-210 Personnel records as public records

C.G.S. §1-214 Procedure regarding access to personnel records

C.G.S. §10-151c Records of teacher personal performance and evaluation exempt from disclosure; records of teacher misconduct subject to disclosure

C.G.S. §10-151a Access of teacher to supervisory records and reports in personnel file