Section (3000) Business
Policy Name REGULATION - Purchases for Student Activities
Policy Number 3453 REG
Date Approved 10/10/1989
Date Revised 05/10/2004
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Policy Whenever there is any purchasing of supplies, equipment or services relating to student activities, the following rules apply:

1. Contracts or agreements should be based on public advertising and competitive bidding. (If this is not feasible, then added emphasis should be placed on items #2 through #5.)

2. All members and employees of the board of education are prohibited from accepting gifts from any person (s) doing or planning to do business with the school system.

3. Special attention should be given to protecting the parents and the students from any pressures.

4. Financial structure of any sale should be explained to the parents including how profits (if any) are to be used.

5. In any venture or decision, as many people (P.T.O./P.T.A., etc.) and/or students should be included.