Section (1000) Community Relations
Policy Name Public Complaints
Policy Number 1312 REG
Date Approved 10/10/89
Date Revised 06/09/08
Date Revised  
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Date Revised  

 Public Complaints

The Superintendent, the person who made the complaint, or the employee involved may request an executive session of the Board to discuss the complaint. Generally, all parties involved, including the school administration, shall be asked to attend such a meeting for the purpose of presenting additional facts, making further explanations, and clarifying the issues.

The Board may request a disinterested third party to act as a moderator to help it reach a mutually satisfactory solution. After the Board’s decision, the usual appeal route pertains.

Any parent, guardian, or other person who insults or abuses any teacher or other employee on school property or in the presence of students may be prosecuted by the district under the provisions of law.

Request for Re-Evaluation of Instructional Materials

The following procedure shall be followed whenever there is a request for the evaluation of instructional material other than textbooks:

1. The Superintendent shall establish an ad hoc review committee broadly representative of:

A. teachers competent in the area of the content covered by the material.

B. administrators, directors, and supervisors appropriate to the level and/or subject for which material is used.

A library information teacher shall serve on the review committee.

2. Objections to materials and requests for re-evaluation must be presented in writing on the proper form. Request for Re-Evaluation of Materials’ forms are available in the Office of the Superintendent.

3. Initial action on a written request on the proper form shall be taken no later than fifteen school days after receipt of the request.

4. A written report from the review committee shall be submitted to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall then communicate his or her decision to the person requesting the re-evaluation.

5. Should the decision of the Superintendent not satisfy the person requesting the re-evaluation, the Board of Education may hold a special hearing to review the Superintendent’s decision.

Once instructional material has been adopted and re-evaluated, the material cannot be subject to further review without special approval by the Board of Education. Challenged instructional materials shall remain in use in the school pending a final decision by the Board of Education.

Complaint Form

(cf. 1220 – Citizens, Advisory Committees)

(cf. 5145.2 – Freedom of Speech/Expression)

(cf. 6144 – Controversial Issues)

(cf.6161 – Equipment, Books, Materials: Provision/Selection)

Legal reference:

Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School v. Pico,457 U.S. 853 (1982)

Keyishian v. Board of Regents 385 U.S. 589, 603 (1967)

President’s Council, District 25 v. Community School Board No. 25 457 F. 2d 289 (1972), cert. denied 409 U.S. 998 (1976)

Minarcini v. Strongsville City School District, 541 F. 2d 577 (6th Cir. 1976)

Academic Freedom Policy (adopted by Connecticut State Board of Education, 9/9/81)